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Conducts the Birdland Dreamband vol 1 et 2

Titres :
The wailing boat/ Somebody wants me down there/ Maynard the fox/ Blue birdland/ Great guns/ Lady bug/ More west/ Stiill water stomp/ That Jones boy/ Rosebud/ Button nose/ Little girl kimbi/ Straight up/ Cervezita/ Mogo/ Sleep softly/ Geller's cellar/ Free Lee/ Say it with trumpets/ Everybody moan/ Tell me funky/ You said it/ Early hours/ Nightmare alley

Line-up :
Maynard Ferguson (tp, lead) + coll. Al deRisi, Joe Ferrante, Nick Travis, Ernie Royal, Stan Fishelson, Al Stewart, Jimmy Nothingham (tp) Jimmy Cleveland, Eddie Bert, Sonny Russo (tb) Herb Geller, Al Cohn, Budd Johnson, Ernie Wilkins, Franck Socolow, Budd Johnson (sax) Hank Jones (pn) Milt Hinton, Arnold Fishkin (cb) Jimmy Campbell, Don lamond (dms)

RCA Jazz Line, 1956